full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Ami Klin: A new way to diagnose autism

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Now, she is oblivious to me and I'm so close to her, and you think, maybe she can see you, maybe she can hear you. Well, a few minutes later, she goes to the corner of the room, and she finds a tiny little pecie of candy, an M&M. So I could not atrtcat her attention, but something — a thing — did. Now, most of us make a big dichotomy between the world of things and the wlrod of people. Now, for this girl, that division line is not so caelr, and the world of people is not attracting her as much as we would like. Now, remember that we lrean a great deal by sharing experiences. What she is doing right now is that her path of learning is diverging, moment by moment, as she is isolating herself further and further. So we feel sometimes that the brain is deterministic, the brain dreineemts who we're going to be. But, in fact, the brian also becomes who we are, and at the same time that her behaviors are taking away from the realm of social interaction, this is what's happening with her mind, and this is what's happening with her brain.

Open Cloze

Now, she is oblivious to me and I'm so close to her, and you think, maybe she can see you, maybe she can hear you. Well, a few minutes later, she goes to the corner of the room, and she finds a tiny little _____ of candy, an M&M. So I could not _______ her attention, but something — a thing — did. Now, most of us make a big dichotomy between the world of things and the _____ of people. Now, for this girl, that division line is not so _____, and the world of people is not attracting her as much as we would like. Now, remember that we _____ a great deal by sharing experiences. What she is doing right now is that her path of learning is diverging, moment by moment, as she is isolating herself further and further. So we feel sometimes that the brain is deterministic, the brain __________ who we're going to be. But, in fact, the _____ also becomes who we are, and at the same time that her behaviors are taking away from the realm of social interaction, this is what's happening with her mind, and this is what's happening with her brain.


  1. piece
  2. determines
  3. brain
  4. attract
  5. clear
  6. world
  7. learn

Original Text

Now, she is oblivious to me and I'm so close to her, and you think, maybe she can see you, maybe she can hear you. Well, a few minutes later, she goes to the corner of the room, and she finds a tiny little piece of candy, an M&M. So I could not attract her attention, but something — a thing — did. Now, most of us make a big dichotomy between the world of things and the world of people. Now, for this girl, that division line is not so clear, and the world of people is not attracting her as much as we would like. Now, remember that we learn a great deal by sharing experiences. What she is doing right now is that her path of learning is diverging, moment by moment, as she is isolating herself further and further. So we feel sometimes that the brain is deterministic, the brain determines who we're going to be. But, in fact, the brain also becomes who we are, and at the same time that her behaviors are taking away from the realm of social interaction, this is what's happening with her mind, and this is what's happening with her brain.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
long time 2
profound intellectual 2
survival skills 2
great deal 2
autism creates 2
growth charts 2

Important Words

  1. attention
  2. attract
  3. attracting
  4. behaviors
  5. big
  6. brain
  7. candy
  8. clear
  9. close
  10. corner
  11. deal
  12. determines
  13. deterministic
  14. dichotomy
  15. diverging
  16. division
  17. experiences
  18. fact
  19. feel
  20. finds
  21. girl
  22. great
  23. happening
  24. hear
  25. interaction
  26. isolating
  27. learn
  28. learning
  29. line
  30. mind
  31. minutes
  32. moment
  33. oblivious
  34. path
  35. people
  36. piece
  37. realm
  38. remember
  39. room
  40. sharing
  41. social
  42. time
  43. tiny
  44. world